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  • Templarian
    04-23 07:01 PM
    ^Don't lie to him. Spyrl your going to need to remove your current DX9 card or DX10 card and put in a DX7 when your testing.

    for real though, all DX10 cards are backwards compatible with DX9L. SDL is pretty much compatible with everything your heart will ever want.

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  • greyhair
    09-08 12:54 PM
    Ban in private company out sourcing also is very much necessary for USA. These so called multinational companies are minting money and this is not benefitting any one except the higher executives and board of directors of those companies. and of course Politricians.

    PS:- If I am in India I will never say that OS is necessary, India should grow on its own pace with her talent and brains. India should have their own economy and techonology and not OS money going around.
    Great OH, baan Private OS also.

    India is growing of its own, using the talent and brains partially to fulfill orders outsourced from across the world. What is wrong with that? Its a fair business practice. Back in 1980s and early 90s no one in rich countries were oppose to the idea of open business between all the countries. Back then everybody in rich countries thought that since they already have well placed institutions and larger companies, they will buy out all the local companies in smaller poor countries, creating more employment for people in rich countries. No one in the rich countries was oppose to the idea of open economies back then. Guess what. We have come a full circle now. Just because it is hurting a few million people in rich countries, all of a sudden OUTSOURCING is a curse word. Get over it people, cry as you may but outsourcing aren't stopping. Ohio is playing the election gimmicks. OH government is not outsourcing any work anyways. To the contrary, if OH was outsourcing, the State government would be more productive and without deficit.

    One more thing. Outsourcing is the not reason why Indian economy is doing better than others. Because some work is outsourced to India does not simply mean outsourcing is the reason for better economy. This is a simple explanation but the wrong explanation. Indian economy is doing better because during a course of many decades, people and government have spent less than what they make/produce and more importantly, instead of throwing money on the wrong wars, they spent money on the right things. Is that so difficult to understand that we must credit outsourcing for the state of Indian economy.

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  • mirage
    03-12 09:46 AM
    This is one of the most hilarious thing I heard in months, thought I'll share....

    It was the first day of a school in USA and a new Indian student named Chandrasekhar Subramanian entered the fourth grade.

    The teacher said,

    "Let's begin by reviewing some American History. Who said 'Give me Liberty or give me Death'?"

    She saw a sea of blank faces, except for Chandrasekhar, who had his hand up: 'Patrick Henry, 1775' he said.

    'Very good!'

    Who said 'Government of the People, by the People, for the People, shall not perish from the Earth?'

    Again, no response except from Chandrasekhar. 'Abraham Lincoln, 1863' said Chandrasekhar.

    The teacher snapped at the class, 'Class, you should be ashamed. Chandrasekhar, who is new to our country, knows more
    about its history than you do.'

    She heard a loud whisper: 'Fuck the Indians,'

    'Who said that?' she demanded. Chandrasekhar put his hand up. 'General Custer, 1862.'

    At that point, a student in the back said, 'I'm gonna puke.'

    The teacher glares around and asks 'All right! Now, who said that?'

    Again, Chandrasekhar says, 'George Bush to the Japanese Prime Minister, 1991.'

    Now furious, another student yells, 'Oh yeah? Suck this!' Chandrasekhar jumps out of his chair waving his hand
    and shouts to the teacher , 'Bill Clinton, to Monica Lewinsky, 1997!'

    Now with almost mob hysteria someone said 'You little shit. If you say anything else, I'll kill you.'

    Chandrasekhar frantically yells at the top of his voice, Michael 'Jackson to the child witnesses testifying against him- 2004.'

    The teacher fainted..

    And as the class gathered around the teacher on the floor, someone said, 'Oh shit, we're screwed!'

    And Chandrasekhar whispered quietly, "the Republicans, November 4th, 2008".

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  • panini
    06-11 03:48 PM
    If you have not been to Canada or lived in Canada since your landing I would assume that your Canadian PR would have been automatically cancelled because of the 3 years out of 5 years rule.

    I was wondering if anyone here who had a canadian PR (i.e. did a landing), got GC later has travelled again to Canada again?
    We got canadian PR in 2005 and did a landing while we were waiting for our GC. We got a our GC last year and are planning to visit canada using our GC. Are there going to be any issue in entering canada?

    Also, we travelled to India last year and received new I-94 when we got back into US using AP. Very soon (days) we received our GC's. I am not sure what do with these I-94's when we leave US. Do we still need to surrender these as in the past?


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  • pkv
    04-13 05:35 PM
    For a medical REF how many days do we have to reply?


    Doesn't your RFE letter says it clearly? They mention a "reply by date" also on the letter.

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  • avi_ny
    03-09 04:11 PM
    What is FOIA?

    Dear members,
    If you have received letters from USCIS asking for $5K for your FOIA request, Please fax a copy of that letter to Immigration Voice.
    We want to collect those letters and proceed with some big effort on this issue. It is thus important that we have lots of such letters from members.
    Time is short and we need letters in the next couple of days if possible.


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  • snathan
    04-15 10:39 AM
    Hi All,

    There are lots of people on the Face book who are getting affected by 221G for H1B/H14. Target those people individually and convince them to join us. Contact the members individually. Every member should convince at least 10 new members...we cannot afford to lose this. We will arrange for conf. call in the coming days…

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  • bang
    01-09 06:43 AM
    My wife had recently changed her status from H4 to H1 and had applied her SSN and got it.

    So i dont think there's any new rule.

    if you have a valid I94 then it should not cause any issue
    Sreedhar where did you apply for SSN ? ie which city ?


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  • harrydr
    09-01 01:51 PM
    Google G639 (http://www.uscis.gov/files/form/g-639.pdf) form for the pdf version. Here, it's already done. Just click on the link it will take you to the form you need to request the information. Fill it completely in as much details as possible and then get it notarized for your signature at a bank. Once notarized, mail the form out to the address shown on the form.

    My personal experience:
    I followed the exact procedure as explained above and it took me 3 months to get everything i requested as a pdf document files on a CD instead of paper copies. It depends upon how many requests they have in the pipeline. 3 months is not bad i think. Good luck for your request.

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  • tonyHK12
    02-19 01:19 PM
    you may find this helpful. it provides info on I-130 and I-485 and the documents you need to file. if he is clean (no criminal background, issues with legal status etc) then you should not have any problems. Good luck and congrats on your marriage.

    Useful link, however it appears her husband is an illegal immigrant failing the legal status clause.

    @Blondygirl: This forum is for employment based legal immigration and no one would know what to with the undocumented. We generally try to be "Neutral" on illegal immigration.


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  • eb3India
    09-05 03:57 PM
    Well if the Republicans want those hispanic votes why dont they
    pass the CIR right away? Why they have to wait until the mid term?

    oh yaa, they will be losing all the red-neck neo-cons vote ;) right away, in my view everybody includeing Dems are just test water and see how people in their consitutancy are feeling about immigration subject and results show many americans are against CIR in principal (thanks to Lou and co campain).

    It will be really bad if Reps wins the house again, they can really push their neo-con agenda and CIR will be history very soon.

    so It is really important for us to have Dems wining this election :D

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  • BharatPremi
    07-27 12:49 PM
    The correct answer would be differed on the basis of your current status.
    Are you currently H1 holder or H4 holder?


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  • BharatPremi
    04-16 04:34 PM
    What is an "MTR"?

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  • ghost
    02-07 10:28 AM
    they are talking about statistics on legal immigration backlogs and suggesting that they be cleared....aligned with IV goals


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  • VDaminator
    06-11 04:36 PM
    lmao nah i didnt draw the bra it was there just when i put the textures over the image it kind of made it look hand drawn.

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  • anishNewbie
    09-10 04:07 PM
    MS + Zero exp = I doubt if any one out there

    Hmm.. I though many people are there.. bumerr...

    Anyways.. I am shooting for EB2 category as I have my MS.. Few of my freinds here in office have applied for GC , but all of them have applied with MS + 1 atleast... I was kinda worried as my JOb code falls under JOb zone 4, how will i qualify for EB2 even though only having MS does qulaify for applying EB2..

    I know.. that a position should require MS or BS +5...rather than one having that degree..

    I was just wondering if there are some people who have applied under EB2 category with MS +0 experience....

    Thank you every1 for your prompt responses...


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  • appusheth
    03-17 11:40 PM
    My LCA was approved in July 2007.

    My lawyer sent the I-14 application to USCIS in January 2008 before the 180 day period but my employer dated the USCIS fee check as 2005.

    The USCIS returned the application asking us to re-send the application with a new check.

    My lawyer sent the application again with a new check but by the time this application reached USCIS the 180 day period was over and USCIS returned the application again stating that my 180 period is over and they cannot accept the I-140 application now.

    I am in the process of filing a fresh Labor Cert again. I guess now I will get a priority date of July 2008 and therefore I am losing 1 whole year in this process.

    Is there a way out and will USCIS accept my application? The bad part here is the first application sent was before time but the check date was wrong.

    All suggestions are highly appreciated.

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  • lost_in_migration
    05-14 09:09 PM
    Done.. Its in the thread EB2-General Poll. I would have liked to keep just one thread but only allows 10 options at the max. Hope ppl don't vote at both places :)

    Can you create one for EB2, please? Thanks!

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  • franklin
    06-01 07:21 PM
    Just in case not all new members are Indian, I suggest this poll which covers ALL nationalities

    05-15 12:38 PM

    05-06 10:55 AM

    Michael Aytes, is one of the speaker in this conference

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