
91 nissan 240sx

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  • Skott#39;s Nissan 240SX

  • singhsa3
    11-15 09:39 AM
    Simply and bluntly put

    IV is we. If you are not there , there is no IV. We are in agony and pain. Let us scream so loud that even deafs may lend their ears.

    What is at stake is you career. We have every thing to loose by doing nothing. I know, I have lost a whole lot. Probably I were better off moving to India after my MBA. I might have been doing much better there. But I am at the point where I cannot let got without trying. Have you reached that point yet?

    Here is my personal story, if you think you can do better here without the Green Card. Think again! I have been slogging in this mess since 1999, even though I have world class qualifications (Full time MBA from a top US school, several years of work experience, PMP and marching toward CFA). All this are futile , if I don't have that stupid work permit with out any strings attached (Green Card)

    Yes I do have EAD. But it is full of restriction. At least let us work together to remove that restriction..

    I don't want any freaking loosers. Loosing is their nature. I want winners to work with me. Are you the one?

    wallpaper Skott#39;s Nissan 240SX 91 nissan 240sx. Re: 1991 Nissan 240sx (Boston)
  • Re: 1991 Nissan 240sx (Boston)

  • mirage
    03-12 09:46 AM
    This is one of the most hilarious thing I heard in months, thought I'll share....

    It was the first day of a school in USA and a new Indian student named Chandrasekhar Subramanian entered the fourth grade.

    The teacher said,

    "Let's begin by reviewing some American History. Who said 'Give me Liberty or give me Death'?"

    She saw a sea of blank faces, except for Chandrasekhar, who had his hand up: 'Patrick Henry, 1775' he said.

    'Very good!'

    Who said 'Government of the People, by the People, for the People, shall not perish from the Earth?'

    Again, no response except from Chandrasekhar. 'Abraham Lincoln, 1863' said Chandrasekhar.

    The teacher snapped at the class, 'Class, you should be ashamed. Chandrasekhar, who is new to our country, knows more
    about its history than you do.'

    She heard a loud whisper: 'Fuck the Indians,'

    'Who said that?' she demanded. Chandrasekhar put his hand up. 'General Custer, 1862.'

    At that point, a student in the back said, 'I'm gonna puke.'

    The teacher glares around and asks 'All right! Now, who said that?'

    Again, Chandrasekhar says, 'George Bush to the Japanese Prime Minister, 1991.'

    Now furious, another student yells, 'Oh yeah? Suck this!' Chandrasekhar jumps out of his chair waving his hand
    and shouts to the teacher , 'Bill Clinton, to Monica Lewinsky, 1997!'

    Now with almost mob hysteria someone said 'You little shit. If you say anything else, I'll kill you.'

    Chandrasekhar frantically yells at the top of his voice, Michael 'Jackson to the child witnesses testifying against him- 2004.'

    The teacher fainted..

    And as the class gathered around the teacher on the floor, someone said, 'Oh shit, we're screwed!'

    And Chandrasekhar whispered quietly, "the Republicans, November 4th, 2008".

    91 nissan 240sx. Extreme Dimensions, Nissan
  • Extreme Dimensions, Nissan

  • snhn
    04-13 03:53 PM
    DWI is driving while intoxicate. Its can mess you up as far as your life is concerned. This in the past has never been a problem. I have sent FBI a criminal background check request. I am assuming thats what DHS is using to say that I have criminal background.

    Anways, hopefully that wont show anything. My question is, can I goto Mexico with this type of application.


    2011 Re: 1991 Nissan 240sx (Boston) 91 nissan 240sx. my 91 240sx.
  • my 91 240sx.

  • alkg
    09-24 03:43 PM
    don't worry be happy


    91 nissan 240sx. 1991 Nissan 240SX N/A - That
  • 1991 Nissan 240SX N/A - That

  • sreedhar
    09-07 09:01 AM
    Yes… It’s me Sreedhar. According to the conversation with my cousin, what ever I posted here is true. I am not sure what IO said is going to be happen or not. My cousin and myself working in the same office. I will keep update what ever happen to his case.


    This one was posted by one of the IV members, sreedhar in other section of the forum. Don't know how much truth to it...:rolleyes:

    If anyone has seen this already, my apologies...


    Hello All,

    I am giving this information after my cousin complete the interview with USCIS on 09/03/2008. Please take a look at the detail conversation bellow.

    IO: Immigration Officer
    MC: My Cousin
    MCL: My Cousin Lawyer


    91 nissan 240sx. FS: 91 SR20DET 240SX SE coupe
  • FS: 91 SR20DET 240SX SE coupe

  • nozerd
    03-25 07:59 PM
    Awesome airline. I would pay $ 100 premium over other airlines to travel via Emirates. Excellent food and service. Cool stewerdesses too.


    91 nissan 240sx. 89-94 93 92 91 90 Nissan 240SX
  • 89-94 93 92 91 90 Nissan 240SX

  • eb3_nepa
    11-06 04:30 PM
    Here is the link with the clarification released on Jun 6th By Michael Aytes, Astt Director of USCIS regarding Non Cap h1B's

    These roles qualify for non cap H1B's

    * Renewals of existing H1b's

    * If are working for a not for profit institution

    * If you are working for a institute of higher education ( as defined by the US education act of 1964, institutes like 2 yr and 4 year colleges and some high schools which have teacher education programs with schools of education in these colleges) or a government research institution or a company associated with the above institutions where the primary objective of the company is to supplement the mission of the institutions, example would be a company providing research assistants to a reseach medical hospital. In this case the company is not cap exempt but the job involves the institution that is cap exempt.

    What kind of institution will your wife be a financial analyst in?

    I am not an attorney, pls consult an attorney regarding your specific case. Hope this information helps.

    My Wife, if everything works out, will be working in a Finance related field for a Health Care related service providing financial services to many many hospitals.

    I was wondering if I could use the Heallth care angle for the H1b Non Cap

    2010 Extreme Dimensions, Nissan 91 nissan 240sx. The Nissan 240SX has a front
  • The Nissan 240SX has a front

  • jungalee43
    04-22 11:23 AM
    I don't understand what is strange in this RFE. The only this is that this kind of RFE would be very appropriate if you used AC21 and changed employers.


    91 nissan 240sx. ALL U.S. Spec 240sx
  • ALL U.S. Spec 240sx

  • renupond
    10-04 10:46 PM
    No I am not related to eadguru.
    I simply need this info for my spouse.


    hair my 91 240sx. 91 nissan 240sx. 1989 and 1991 Nissan 240SX
  • 1989 and 1991 Nissan 240SX

  • senthil1
    07-26 10:04 AM
    I am not sure about changing H4 to F1 as F1 is dual intent visa. I am sure mostly your wife's F1 will be rejected at Consulate as her spouse is staying here but I am not sure about changing status from H4
    to F1 here.
    If you accept that you are taking some risk then it is fine. Sometimes all the 4 options may work against you. Also if your wife comes here within a few months then it may be ok. But if it takes 1 year or more then your company Lawyer is correct. Take advise of second lawyer

    Also I did not hear anything about option 2.That is mainly for those who were out of status for less than 6 months
    Hello everyone,
    I got to know about this website recently and I wish I had known it earlier.

    Anyway, I need advice/conformation

    I got married recently outside the US. However, I did not come back with my wife b/c of a couple of reasons. And I cannot bring her here in the next 3 weeks. (My H1B is getting renewed...)

    The company's lawyer is advising me not file for I-485 and wait till I become current again and apply with my wife then. (I am EB3 and my PD is March 2005)

    After reading this web and others, if I go ahead and apply now the following are the choices that I have later. Please confirm if I am right or wrong

    1. Get every document ready for my wife at all times and apply for I-485 immediately after I become current. As long as they receive her I-485 before they approve mine, she is going to be fine. She will be fine even if they receive her I-485 a day before they approve mine.

    2. If my I-485 gets approved before my wife’s I-485 get there, under section 245(k), she has 180 days to send in her I-485 as long as PD is current. And there is no penalty and no other problem with this. She can stay in the country and wait for her I-485 to approve.

    3. If I though that it was a grave mistake to apply for my I-485, I can withdraw it before it gets approved and reapply later with my wife’s when I become current again. No problem with this other than paying the fees again.

    4. My wife and change her H4 to F1 any time she wants to as long as she goes to school full time. She could be on F1 and apply for I-485 when I become current (I feel uneasy on this one).

    Please, let me know if what I listed above is right. These are the only choices that I have ready about. If there are more choices please, let me know that too. I have to make a decision by the end of tomorrow. Thank you all!


    91 nissan 240sx. Project Nissan 240Sx Front
  • Project Nissan 240Sx Front

  • kartikiran
    05-06 11:08 AM
    if a couple of members attend with immigration voice badge on their shirts, this could be a good platform for immigrationvoice as a group to get noticed.

    Maybe people who are living around Washington DC neighborhood can attend to represent IV and their registration can be sponsored by IV.

    Just a thought. As we push our agenda, IV as an organization must get noticed in more places where USCIS is putting its face on.

    hot 1991 Nissan 240SX N/A - That 91 nissan 240sx. Pictures of 1991 Nissan 240sx
  • Pictures of 1991 Nissan 240sx

  • mirage
    03-06 01:03 PM
    Just a little update, Called up my Senator's office this morning..Started talking about country Cap issue, the guy knew everything about it, he took notes & promised he will pass it on to the Senator. Here's what I suggested him

    1) Lift the Country Cap for Temporary period of time, may be just for 2 years.
    2) Limit the Maximum waiting time, say if one applicant is waiting for 5 years than country cap should be exempted and he should be given a preference over a person who�s PD is just 1 year old.

    He specifically told me 'your second point is very good, I'll certainly share these with the Senator'...

    I urge you guys to contact your senators & Congressmen/Congresswomen

    We have a group which is focusing on this issue, if you want to join us here's the link



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  • Templarian
    04-23 08:30 AM
    Search SDL its a nice way to learn graphics and moving imges and such.


    tattoo FS: 91 SR20DET 240SX SE coupe 91 nissan 240sx. Cody#39;s Nissan 240SX “For Sale”
  • Cody#39;s Nissan 240SX “For Sale”

  • tikka
    08-07 11:31 AM
    how bad can that be.. :D

    any other tri state members want to be a part of IV?


    pictures 89-94 93 92 91 90 Nissan 240SX 91 nissan 240sx. 1991 Nissan 240Sx Front Shot
  • 1991 Nissan 240Sx Front Shot

  • chanduv23
    03-26 06:39 AM
    My information is 12 years old, but something you might want to check into. Back then Emirates would put you up in a downtown hotel if you wanted to break your journey. And you didn't have to get a Dubai visa if you were staying less than 24 hours.

    We took a transit visa for a 10 hour break once while flying from JFK to Chennai. Emirates arranges for one, if you pay like $20 or so, all we did was to spend time at the gold shopping place (wallet got lighter offcourse) and got back to the airport in couple of hours. We would want to go again and probably take a longer break and stay over - the shopping is awsome, Dubai is scenic, especially the Jumairah palm and those areas.

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  • 1991 Nissan 240Sx S13 Vq35de

  • Hassan11
    03-26 11:34 AM
    Thanks Kingkon. I heard the appeal takes no more than a year. but DOL in Atlanta keeps telling my HR manager that they are backlogged. I am not sure what to do.

    I had my EB2 LC rejected and the reason that DOL gave was they were not able to contact the employer and/or employer did not respond to their correspondence. Lawyer gave me two option to refile (I will lose PD) or appeal. This was in 2005 when PERM had just started and the lawyers said they did not know how long the appeal process takes in PERM since it was new system. To cut the story short I received the approved LC within 45days of appeal, but my case was a simple one I think. Your case it a bit different but in no case an appeal should take 1.5 years at least in PERM.


    makeup ALL U.S. Spec 240sx 91 nissan 240sx. Nissan 240SX
  • Nissan 240SX

  • gcformeornot
    04-08 05:47 PM
    1). I just mailed (paper filing) I-765 for renewal of EAD. Reason: Last year, because of a tiny/immaterial mistake (in e-filing) my EAD was delayed to close to 120 days..

    2) As per filing instructions (feb,2010) I donot think you have any choice/option as to where to file.

    Make your own choice, good luck.
    are 2 locations based on states where you live.

    Dallas and Phoenix.
    If you live in:

    Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Guam, or the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands.

    Mail your application to:

    USCIS Phoenix Lockbox

    For U.S. Postal Service (USPS) deliveries:


    PO Box 21281

    Phoenix, AZ 85036

    For Express mail and courier deliveries:


    Attn: AOS

    1820 E. Skyharbor Circle S

    Suite 100

    Phoenix, AZ 85034

    Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, U.S. Virgin Islands, or West Virginia

    USCIS Dallas Lockbox

    For U.S. Postal Service (USPS) Deliveries:


    PO Box 660867

    Dallas, TX 75266

    For Express mail and courier deliveries:


    Attn: AOS

    2501 S. State Hwy. 121 Business

    Suite 400

    Lewisville, TX 75067

    girlfriend Cody#39;s Nissan 240SX “For Sale” 91 nissan 240sx. 1991 nissan 240sxquot;night
  • 1991 nissan 240sxquot;night

  • satish_hello
    08-21 06:08 PM
    I don't understand , people are started getting receipt filed in july'14th, july'16th. They are not processing July3rd through july'14th filing?.

    I have sent my application on July5th to NSC. It is received by NSC at July6th.Did any one got receipts in 5th or 6th filer..

    I didn't see much of filed between july'3nd through july '14th filings in this forum.


    EB2/PD-Sept'2004/I-140 Approved.
    I-485 - Sent July5th.
    RD - ?
    AD -?

    hairstyles Project Nissan 240Sx Front 91 nissan 240sx. FS: 91 240sx hatch, sr,
  • FS: 91 240sx hatch, sr,

  • aau
    08-08 10:34 AM
    Sorry to hear about your friend's situation.

    If she is qualified enough ask her to find a new employer who is willing to sponsor her a H1B.

    She can transfer her status from H-4 to H1B and it will not be counted against the annual H1B quota.

    Ppl please at least give a disclaimer. This sentence, said with such authority is completely false! The ONLY way you are not counted against the annual H1B quota is if you are RENEWING your existing H1B (and you have years left on it of course).

    Think before you write..

    07-26 11:17 AM
    I would file for 485, but maintain my H1, and bring her here on H4. A PD of EB3-March-2005 is not going to get current anytime soon, I would not miss out on the option to use AC21 to switch jobs...

    04-14 12:21 PM
    Lets signup for our Freedom...its FREE!

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