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12-27 07:48 PM
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02-13 05:19 PM
My PD Jan 2001( I ported PD - NOT SUBSTITUIE). I filed on July 2, 2007 for 485. I don't see any LUD's. Any guess what might be ahppening with my case.
My PD Jan 2001( I ported PD - NOT SUBSTITUIE). I filed on July 2, 2007 for 485. I don't see any LUD's. Any guess what might be ahppening with my case.

08-13 08:41 PM
see the paragraph in bold letters.................
Greenspan Sees Bottom
In Housing, Criticizes Bailout
August 14, 2008
WASHINGTON -- Alan Greenspan usually surrounds his opinions with caveats and convoluted clauses. But ask his view of the government's response to problems confronting mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and he offers one word: "Bad."
In a conversation this week, the former Federal Reserve chairman also said he expects that U.S. house prices, a key factor in the outlook for the economy and financial markets, will begin to stabilize in the first half of next year.
"Home prices in the U.S. are likely to start to stabilize or touch bottom sometime in the first half of 2009," he said in an interview. Tracing a jagged curve with his finger on a tabletop to underscore the difficulty in pinpointing the precise trough, he cautioned that even at a bottom, "prices could continue to drift lower through 2009 and beyond."
A long-time student of housing markets, Mr. Greenspan now works out of a well-windowed, oval-shaped office that is evidence of his fascination with the housing market. His desk, couch, coffee table and conference table are strewn with print-outs of spreadsheets and multicolored charts of housing starts, foreclosures and population trends siphoned from government and trade association sources.
An end to the decline in house prices, he explained, matters not only to American homeowners but is "a necessary condition for an end to the current global financial crisis" he said.
"Stable home prices will clarify the level of equity in homes, the ultimate collateral support for much of the financial world's mortgage-backed securities. We won't really know the market value of the asset side of the banking system's balance sheet -- and hence banks' capital -- until then."
At 82 years old, Mr. Greenspan remains sharp and his fascination with the workings of the economy undiminished. But his star no longer shines as brightly as it did when he retired from the Fed in January 2006.
Mr. Greenspan has been criticized for contributing to today's woes by keeping interest rates too low too long and by regulating too lightly. He has been aggressively defending his record -- in interviews, in op-ed pieces and in a new chapter in his recent book, included in the paperback version to be published next month. Mr. Greenspan attributes the rise in house prices to a historically unusual period in which world markets pushed interest rates down and even sophisticated investors misjudged the risks they were taking.
His views remain widely watched, however. Mr. Greenspan's housing forecast rests on two pillars of data. One is the supply of vacant, single-family homes for sale, both newly completed homes and existing homes owned by investors and lenders. He sees that "excess supply" -- roughly 800,000 units above normal -- diminishing soon. The other is a comparison of the current price of houses -- he prefers the quarterly S&P Case Shiller National Home Price Index because it includes both urban and rural areas -- with the government's estimate of what it costs to rent a single-family house. As other economists do, Mr. Greenspan essentially seeks to gauge when it is rational to own a house and when it is rational to sell the house, invest the money elsewhere and rent an identical house next door.
"It's the imbalance of supply and demand which causes prices to go down, but it's ultimately the valuation process of the use of the commodity...which tells you where the bottom is," Mr. Greenspan said, recalling his days trading copper a half century ago. "For example, the grain markets can have a huge excess of corn or wheat, but the price never goes to zero. It'll stabilize at some level of prices where people are willing to hold the excess inventory. We have little history, but the same thing is surely true in housing as well. We will get to the point where there will be willing holders of vacant single-family dwellings, and that will no longer act to depress the price level."
The collapse in home prices, of course, is a major threat to the stability of Fannie and Freddie. At the Fed, Mr. Greenspan warned for years that the two mortgage giants' business model threatened the nation's financial stability. He acknowledges that a government backstop for the shareholder-owned, government-sponsored enterprises, or GSEs, was unavoidable. Not only are they crucial to the ailing mortgage market now, but the Fed-financed takeover of investment bank Bear Stearns Cos. also made government backing of Fannie and Freddie debt "inevitable," he said. "There's no credible argument for bailing out Bear Stearns and not the GSEs."
His quarrel is with the approach the Bush administration sold to Congress. "They should have wiped out the shareholders, nationalized the institutions with legislation that they are to be reconstituted -- with necessary taxpayer support to make them financially viable -- as five or 10 individual privately held units," which the government would eventually auction off to private investors, he said.
Instead, Congress granted Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson temporary authority to use an unlimited amount of taxpayer money to lend to or invest in the companies. In response to the Greenspan critique, Mr. Paulson's spokeswoman, Michele Davis, said, "This legislation accomplished two important goals -- providing confidence in the immediate term as these institutions play a critical role in weathering the housing correction, and putting in place a new regulator with all the authorities necessary to address systemic risk posed by the GSEs."
But a similar critique has been raised by several other prominent observers. "If they are too big to fail, make them smaller," former Nixon Treasury Secretary George Shultz said. Some say the Paulson approach, even if the government never spends a nickel, entrenches current management and offers shareholders the upside if the government's reassurance allows the companies to weather the current storm. The Treasury hasn't said what conditions it would impose if it offers Fannie and Freddie taxpayer money.
Fear that financial markets would react poorly if the U.S. government nationalized the companies and assumed their approximately $5 trillion debt is unfounded, Mr. Greenspan said. "The law that stipulates that GSEs are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government is disbelieved. The market believes the government guarantee is there. Foreigners believe the guarantee is there. The only fiscal change is for someone to change the bookkeeping."
In the past, to be sure, Mr. Greenspan's crystal ball has been cloudy. He didn't foresee the sharp national decline in home prices. Recently released transcripts of Fed meetings do record him warning in November 2002: "It's hard to escape the conclusion that at some point our extraordinary housing boom...cannot continue indefinitely into the future."
Publicly, he was more reassuring. "While local economies may experience significant speculative price imbalances, a national severe price distortion seems most unlikely in the United States, given its size and diversity," he said in October 2004. Eight months later, he said if home prices did decline, that "likely would not have substantial macroeconomic implications." And in a speech in October 2006, nine months after leaving the Fed, he told an audience that, though housing prices were likely to be lower than the year before, "I think the worst of this may well be over." Housing prices, by his preferred gauge, have fallen nearly 19% since then. He says he was referring not to prices but to the downward drag on economic growth from weakening housing construction.
Mr. Greenspan urges the government to avoid tax or other policies that increase the construction of new homes because that would delay the much-desired day when home prices find a bottom.
He did offer one suggestion: "The most effective initiative, though politically difficult, would be a major expansion in quotas for skilled immigrants," he said. The only sustainable way to increase demand for vacant houses is to spur the formation of new households. Admitting more skilled immigrants, who tend to earn enough to buy homes, would accomplish that while paying other dividends to the U.S. economy.
He estimates the number of new households in the U.S. currently is increasing at an annual rate of about 800,000, of whom about one third are immigrants. "Perhaps 150,000 of those are loosely classified as skilled," he said. "A double or tripling of this number would markedly accelerate the absorption of unsold housing inventory for sale -- and hence help stabilize prices."
Greenspan Sees Bottom
In Housing, Criticizes Bailout
August 14, 2008
WASHINGTON -- Alan Greenspan usually surrounds his opinions with caveats and convoluted clauses. But ask his view of the government's response to problems confronting mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and he offers one word: "Bad."
In a conversation this week, the former Federal Reserve chairman also said he expects that U.S. house prices, a key factor in the outlook for the economy and financial markets, will begin to stabilize in the first half of next year.
"Home prices in the U.S. are likely to start to stabilize or touch bottom sometime in the first half of 2009," he said in an interview. Tracing a jagged curve with his finger on a tabletop to underscore the difficulty in pinpointing the precise trough, he cautioned that even at a bottom, "prices could continue to drift lower through 2009 and beyond."
A long-time student of housing markets, Mr. Greenspan now works out of a well-windowed, oval-shaped office that is evidence of his fascination with the housing market. His desk, couch, coffee table and conference table are strewn with print-outs of spreadsheets and multicolored charts of housing starts, foreclosures and population trends siphoned from government and trade association sources.
An end to the decline in house prices, he explained, matters not only to American homeowners but is "a necessary condition for an end to the current global financial crisis" he said.
"Stable home prices will clarify the level of equity in homes, the ultimate collateral support for much of the financial world's mortgage-backed securities. We won't really know the market value of the asset side of the banking system's balance sheet -- and hence banks' capital -- until then."
At 82 years old, Mr. Greenspan remains sharp and his fascination with the workings of the economy undiminished. But his star no longer shines as brightly as it did when he retired from the Fed in January 2006.
Mr. Greenspan has been criticized for contributing to today's woes by keeping interest rates too low too long and by regulating too lightly. He has been aggressively defending his record -- in interviews, in op-ed pieces and in a new chapter in his recent book, included in the paperback version to be published next month. Mr. Greenspan attributes the rise in house prices to a historically unusual period in which world markets pushed interest rates down and even sophisticated investors misjudged the risks they were taking.
His views remain widely watched, however. Mr. Greenspan's housing forecast rests on two pillars of data. One is the supply of vacant, single-family homes for sale, both newly completed homes and existing homes owned by investors and lenders. He sees that "excess supply" -- roughly 800,000 units above normal -- diminishing soon. The other is a comparison of the current price of houses -- he prefers the quarterly S&P Case Shiller National Home Price Index because it includes both urban and rural areas -- with the government's estimate of what it costs to rent a single-family house. As other economists do, Mr. Greenspan essentially seeks to gauge when it is rational to own a house and when it is rational to sell the house, invest the money elsewhere and rent an identical house next door.
"It's the imbalance of supply and demand which causes prices to go down, but it's ultimately the valuation process of the use of the commodity...which tells you where the bottom is," Mr. Greenspan said, recalling his days trading copper a half century ago. "For example, the grain markets can have a huge excess of corn or wheat, but the price never goes to zero. It'll stabilize at some level of prices where people are willing to hold the excess inventory. We have little history, but the same thing is surely true in housing as well. We will get to the point where there will be willing holders of vacant single-family dwellings, and that will no longer act to depress the price level."
The collapse in home prices, of course, is a major threat to the stability of Fannie and Freddie. At the Fed, Mr. Greenspan warned for years that the two mortgage giants' business model threatened the nation's financial stability. He acknowledges that a government backstop for the shareholder-owned, government-sponsored enterprises, or GSEs, was unavoidable. Not only are they crucial to the ailing mortgage market now, but the Fed-financed takeover of investment bank Bear Stearns Cos. also made government backing of Fannie and Freddie debt "inevitable," he said. "There's no credible argument for bailing out Bear Stearns and not the GSEs."
His quarrel is with the approach the Bush administration sold to Congress. "They should have wiped out the shareholders, nationalized the institutions with legislation that they are to be reconstituted -- with necessary taxpayer support to make them financially viable -- as five or 10 individual privately held units," which the government would eventually auction off to private investors, he said.
Instead, Congress granted Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson temporary authority to use an unlimited amount of taxpayer money to lend to or invest in the companies. In response to the Greenspan critique, Mr. Paulson's spokeswoman, Michele Davis, said, "This legislation accomplished two important goals -- providing confidence in the immediate term as these institutions play a critical role in weathering the housing correction, and putting in place a new regulator with all the authorities necessary to address systemic risk posed by the GSEs."
But a similar critique has been raised by several other prominent observers. "If they are too big to fail, make them smaller," former Nixon Treasury Secretary George Shultz said. Some say the Paulson approach, even if the government never spends a nickel, entrenches current management and offers shareholders the upside if the government's reassurance allows the companies to weather the current storm. The Treasury hasn't said what conditions it would impose if it offers Fannie and Freddie taxpayer money.
Fear that financial markets would react poorly if the U.S. government nationalized the companies and assumed their approximately $5 trillion debt is unfounded, Mr. Greenspan said. "The law that stipulates that GSEs are not backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government is disbelieved. The market believes the government guarantee is there. Foreigners believe the guarantee is there. The only fiscal change is for someone to change the bookkeeping."
In the past, to be sure, Mr. Greenspan's crystal ball has been cloudy. He didn't foresee the sharp national decline in home prices. Recently released transcripts of Fed meetings do record him warning in November 2002: "It's hard to escape the conclusion that at some point our extraordinary housing boom...cannot continue indefinitely into the future."
Publicly, he was more reassuring. "While local economies may experience significant speculative price imbalances, a national severe price distortion seems most unlikely in the United States, given its size and diversity," he said in October 2004. Eight months later, he said if home prices did decline, that "likely would not have substantial macroeconomic implications." And in a speech in October 2006, nine months after leaving the Fed, he told an audience that, though housing prices were likely to be lower than the year before, "I think the worst of this may well be over." Housing prices, by his preferred gauge, have fallen nearly 19% since then. He says he was referring not to prices but to the downward drag on economic growth from weakening housing construction.
Mr. Greenspan urges the government to avoid tax or other policies that increase the construction of new homes because that would delay the much-desired day when home prices find a bottom.
He did offer one suggestion: "The most effective initiative, though politically difficult, would be a major expansion in quotas for skilled immigrants," he said. The only sustainable way to increase demand for vacant houses is to spur the formation of new households. Admitting more skilled immigrants, who tend to earn enough to buy homes, would accomplish that while paying other dividends to the U.S. economy.
He estimates the number of new households in the U.S. currently is increasing at an annual rate of about 800,000, of whom about one third are immigrants. "Perhaps 150,000 of those are loosely classified as skilled," he said. "A double or tripling of this number would markedly accelerate the absorption of unsold housing inventory for sale -- and hence help stabilize prices."
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12-26 12:21 AM
What is the name of your employer? Atleast that will help other members in making the right choice.
Thank You all for your support by answering my queries. Will keep you posting the progress. Hope things will work out fine.
Sure, would contribute to IV, you are doing great service.
Thank You all for your support by answering my queries. Will keep you posting the progress. Hope things will work out fine.
Sure, would contribute to IV, you are doing great service.

08-15 12:48 PM
As long as your DOL job code is same or similar between your approved labor and new job you will be ok.
Hello Gurus,
This is my first post. I had filed 485/140 in Aug. 2007. 140 got approved this March 2008. I donot have pay stub for last 3 months. I am looking for change. My labor is a substituted one( PD 2004). It has skills mentioned of Oracle EBS. I am working on Java/J2EE. I am looking for a new Job with Java/J2EE skills. I am worried that my new offer letter with Java skills mentioned would create a problem for me.
Please Gurus, can you advice me as to whether I can do that? Will staying on bench create a problem, as I donot get salary on bench.
Please help me.:confused::confused::confused:
Hello Gurus,
This is my first post. I had filed 485/140 in Aug. 2007. 140 got approved this March 2008. I donot have pay stub for last 3 months. I am looking for change. My labor is a substituted one( PD 2004). It has skills mentioned of Oracle EBS. I am working on Java/J2EE. I am looking for a new Job with Java/J2EE skills. I am worried that my new offer letter with Java skills mentioned would create a problem for me.
Please Gurus, can you advice me as to whether I can do that? Will staying on bench create a problem, as I donot get salary on bench.
Please help me.:confused::confused::confused:

02-02 06:15 PM
If i am understanding you right.....your labor is applied for EB2 qualification but I-140 is applied and approved in EB3. And you want to reapply a new I-140 for EB2 by using the same labor. I believe, you should be able to apply.
Labor certification is not expired as another poster mentioned. It will expire in 180 days only if no I-140 is applied using that labor.
Consult a good attorney and it will be worthwhile instead of waiting for backlogged EB3.
Labor certification is not expired as another poster mentioned. It will expire in 180 days only if no I-140 is applied using that labor.
Consult a good attorney and it will be worthwhile instead of waiting for backlogged EB3.

12-19 02:28 PM
Practice what you preach.
BTW myself and majority of members on this forum hasn't replaced any American worker.
Yeah, right :D! BTW your long hopeless wait for gc has driven you crazy :D
BTW myself and majority of members on this forum hasn't replaced any American worker.
Yeah, right :D! BTW your long hopeless wait for gc has driven you crazy :D
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10-11 05:01 PM
Thanks for replying... Appreciate it ....
I believe the 180 days starts from the day of 485 notice date and not 140 approval. I had confirmed this with my attorney (both my personal one and the companies )before making the shift and I had and RFE on my 485 in June 09 and nothing after that. I would assume that USCIS was happy with my response and the case might have been pre-adjudicated.
As per Ron, one cannot apply for H1B renewals based on revoked 140's. I wanted to see if anyone here has done it successfully. I will check with my attorney as well as my companies attorney.
180 days is from when 485 filed as per yates memo... Check with attorney and you should be fine I dont want to draw conclusions here though. You may need to switch to AC21 aka use the EAD.. again I am not the lawyer here just coughing up what i know. H1B may be renewed if you have any of 6 years left. Why does he need to start entire GC process for just renewing H1B i dont understand.
I believe the 180 days starts from the day of 485 notice date and not 140 approval. I had confirmed this with my attorney (both my personal one and the companies )before making the shift and I had and RFE on my 485 in June 09 and nothing after that. I would assume that USCIS was happy with my response and the case might have been pre-adjudicated.
As per Ron, one cannot apply for H1B renewals based on revoked 140's. I wanted to see if anyone here has done it successfully. I will check with my attorney as well as my companies attorney.
180 days is from when 485 filed as per yates memo... Check with attorney and you should be fine I dont want to draw conclusions here though. You may need to switch to AC21 aka use the EAD.. again I am not the lawyer here just coughing up what i know. H1B may be renewed if you have any of 6 years left. Why does he need to start entire GC process for just renewing H1B i dont understand.

February 20th, 2004, 07:15 AM
I don't know about the wide angle lenses, but I don't think that would help that much in the dof problem you have.
Use this DOF calculator for your camera:
The Sony at 38mm 12 inches away at f8 give you a near of of 11.8 and a far of 12.1. At 28mm 12 inches away you can get a near of 11.7 and far of 12.3.
If you play a bit with the calculator there, you can get an idea of the dof you can achieve with or without the wide angle lenses.
I don't mean to step on your toes here but I think you've missed something. The sony is a 38mm equivalent. I believe its actually a 9.7mm-48.5mm lens and these numbers should be used for calculating the DOF, unless the calculator says otherwise. In this case you can obtain the DOF that Daniel desires and it may actually be easier with a digicam than with an SLR based camera. AHHH I thinkI just suggested a digicam is better than a SLR.
Use this DOF calculator for your camera:
The Sony at 38mm 12 inches away at f8 give you a near of of 11.8 and a far of 12.1. At 28mm 12 inches away you can get a near of 11.7 and far of 12.3.
If you play a bit with the calculator there, you can get an idea of the dof you can achieve with or without the wide angle lenses.
I don't mean to step on your toes here but I think you've missed something. The sony is a 38mm equivalent. I believe its actually a 9.7mm-48.5mm lens and these numbers should be used for calculating the DOF, unless the calculator says otherwise. In this case you can obtain the DOF that Daniel desires and it may actually be easier with a digicam than with an SLR based camera. AHHH I thinkI just suggested a digicam is better than a SLR.
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05-15 06:22 PM
co-sponsor = confirmed support, so thats what we want.

05-25 01:50 PM
Thank you for your reply! He has been out for 9 months now but visited in between. He used H4 to come back and did not get new AP. We did file taxes. How do I know if the application is still valid and it's okay to use EAD?
Whether or not he has abandoned his green card application depends on many factors. Did he apply for AP before traveling and was it approved? Did he reenter with AP? Did he file tax return as resident or non-resident?
Anyway, your problem is too specific for a forum. You need to speak with an immigration lawyer.
Whether or not he has abandoned his green card application depends on many factors. Did he apply for AP before traveling and was it approved? Did he reenter with AP? Did he file tax return as resident or non-resident?
Anyway, your problem is too specific for a forum. You need to speak with an immigration lawyer.
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03-14 12:27 PM
I just emailed mine to info@immigrationvoice.org.
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01-24 04:29 PM
In 2010 - around 20K visa is issued in EB2 and around 3K in EB3...
Does anyone know the exact demands for each year from 2005 ,2006,2007,2008, 2009 ,2010,2011 -- then it will give clear picture .
Does anyone know the exact demands for each year from 2005 ,2006,2007,2008, 2009 ,2010,2011 -- then it will give clear picture .
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07-15 12:56 PM
This is my second effort to get the answer. There are so many posts on this kind of topics but I am not getting any clear answer. I would appreciate if someone can throw the light on this topic.:confused:
I am working with a consulting company and my company filed for my GC in 2009 (PD is 25-Feb-2009). I received my I-140 approval on 28-Feb-2010. Now the client where I am working, has offered my a fulltime job and GC processing. I have received mutual consent from my current company for any legal issues. Now, if I join the new company and file my GC from there, can I port my Priority date for the new processing? Also, what should be the earliest joining date? What all other precautions should I take while filing GC with the new company?
I received the offer on 07/09 and have to give my decision by 07/15. I would appreciate if anyone can help. I got one day extension in deadline. Please answer someone...
Thanks a lot,
This is my second effort to get the answer. There are so many posts on this kind of topics but I am not getting any clear answer. I would appreciate if someone can throw the light on this topic.:confused:
I am working with a consulting company and my company filed for my GC in 2009 (PD is 25-Feb-2009). I received my I-140 approval on 28-Feb-2010. Now the client where I am working, has offered my a fulltime job and GC processing. I have received mutual consent from my current company for any legal issues. Now, if I join the new company and file my GC from there, can I port my Priority date for the new processing? Also, what should be the earliest joining date? What all other precautions should I take while filing GC with the new company?
I received the offer on 07/09 and have to give my decision by 07/15. I would appreciate if anyone can help. I got one day extension in deadline. Please answer someone...
Thanks a lot,
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05-13 11:36 PM
I am in the similar situation. Attended for visa interview at Toronto US Consulate on May 6. VO just kept I129 (All the annexures), Client/vendor letters. Informed you will get replay within 1-2wks. Its already been a week, I didnt get any response back. Consulate called client on the same day. No updates after that.
Appreciate if someone could let us know, usually how long it takes to get any status update ? I have been working with the same Employer/Client for last 4 years.
Are you working for a consulting company or a direct to your employer?
Appreciate if someone could let us know, usually how long it takes to get any status update ? I have been working with the same Employer/Client for last 4 years.
Are you working for a consulting company or a direct to your employer?
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05-15 12:24 PM
The problem of retrogression hits high skilled immigrants of all the countries and this is specially true for EB3. Hope more and more non-Indians sign-up for IV.
This poll is highly skewed because majority of people on this forum are Indians, it does not really make sense to do this poll.
This poll is highly skewed because majority of people on this forum are Indians, it does not really make sense to do this poll.
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08-04 01:10 PM
We need much more info to help out.
1. What is immigration status currently? She can file for a I-485 if her labor has been approved. If she is on H4, then there is nothing she can do.
--She is on H4
2. Is she a dependent on her husbands I-485? If so, then she dosen't need to file 1-485 again, she can get her EAD.
--He had filed his 485 before she got married to him.
1. What is immigration status currently? She can file for a I-485 if her labor has been approved. If she is on H4, then there is nothing she can do.
--She is on H4
2. Is she a dependent on her husbands I-485? If so, then she dosen't need to file 1-485 again, she can get her EAD.
--He had filed his 485 before she got married to him.
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05-21 01:14 PM
Thanks guys. I am going to Lake George by NY-Canada border and this seems like good info. But I am from NJ and we have the new tamper proof Drivers licenses which show immigration status and you need to produce all immigration papers to get one. Isn't that enough??
Carry ur passport and h1b ddocument - DL is not enough
Carry ur passport and h1b ddocument - DL is not enough
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07-17 02:48 PM
IV is a public forum and recently its under the radar from various different organizations. So please do not use profanity in your language. You never know how it might come back and bite us. Please...please...please...
Yes you are correct. we should never lose our professionalism. no matter how worse it becomes, we should not lose our sight unless we reach our goal.
Yes you are correct. we should never lose our professionalism. no matter how worse it becomes, we should not lose our sight unless we reach our goal.
07-17 08:45 PM
What ?? Why do you even have any such doubts :confused:! Once you have US GC all rules about maintaining it apply. Nothing changes if you visit Canada and return to US if you are well within those rules!!
07-23 10:48 AM
It's always better to change the name in the passport (contact Passport office/Indian Embessy near by you) reflecting correctly when you have time now Otherwise it's really create problems in future either in GC or traveling to other countries etc.
Please look for procedure on Indian Embessy web site (if you are in USA) otherwise passport website in india.
My 2 cents
It's always better to change the name in the passport (contact Passport office/Indian Embessy near by you) reflecting correctly when you have time now Otherwise it's really create problems in future either in GC or traveling to other countries etc.
Please look for procedure on Indian Embessy web site (if you are in USA) otherwise passport website in india.
My 2 cents
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